Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Confused Man in Treatment #8

The Hours of Night
The Confused Man in treatment #8
David W Friesen  ImaginArtStudio copyright 2013

Treatment can be so comforting and with a positive side effect of clarity.  Hard to believe isn't it?  My confusion has become a part of me for the last two and a half years.   But so it is with me.  I am trying to get on solid ground and from there I will amaze you, I will astonish, I will astound you, and most of all to many of you I will surprise and shock you.  It shall be my one and only task.  You will be proud of me, I assure you. 

Today I am home with my wife and watching six of our trees slowly come down, with a little help from Mario, Jose and Gerald.  Mario works for a landscape contractor and he and his brother and a young helper trim and remove trees on the side.  Deb and I didn't see eye to eye on the extent of the renovation of the outside of our house but we finally came to an agreement that she will have the last word on anything inside the house and I will have the final say when it is on the outside.  My job is almost over and hers is just beginning.  Now who is the smart one?

Alright, alright, in unison, Debbie, she is the smart one, no contest.  Sorry Dave, you say, but that is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. 
As I am writing this the tree crew is almost done for the day, all that is left is the cleanup.  These guys are amazing, everyone knows what to do, nobody gets in the way of the other and they waste no extra steps or effort to do anything. They are scheduled to work tomorrow on the final and largest tree we have.  It will be a little more difficult because of its location, right in the middle of two houses which are only about 20 feet apart.

So much for treatment, it was boring and I knew all the stuff they were teaching anyway.  I decided that I would just live life the best I could with the help of an honest, thoughtful and pleasant looking woman.  Then the thought hit me, why don't I do it with my wife, Deb.   She is honest, thoughtful and is much more than pleasant looking, in fact she is very attractive.

Next day.  I have not finished with this blog yet.  A small, soft voice talked to me this morning.  It was just before we started our devotions.  I know that it was the Holy Spirit.  The voice and the devotional  for this morning reminded me that I am to let God work through me.  So that's what I did.  I asked Mario if I could pray for them and right away we all formed a circle with arms around each other and I prayed for safety today and thanks for safety yesterday.  It was truly God in the form of the Holy Spirit.   

I don't know if it would have made any difference if I had not prayed with them but that is not my call.  I am to obey when God speaks, that's it.  We ask God so many times to speak to us, at least I do and I don't  want to miss a blessing. 
The next agenda item is to brush off my magic mirror.  There are a lot of my friends that I need to connect with again.  Friendships are the spice of life, next to a spouse.  I just had a thought, they are Spice Merchants. 

See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Dave! I am one of those who is trying to read and follow along.
    Welcome to blog world and expressing what is on your mind and heart.
