Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Confused Man-Recovery Continues #9

The Hours of Night
The Confused Man in Recovery #9
David W Friesen  ImaginArtStudio copyright 2013

Here I am dealing with life once more.  We should join a club.  It's 2 am and finally taking time to reflect on my skin cancer diagnosis.  My limited knowledge tells me that there is a good chance that it will not kill me and the doctors will remove it this week, the soonest I could get a reservation, ha.  I hope there is a hot tub. 
The "thing" is on my nose, it became visible about 6 weeks ago.  I understand that this is not the worst kind of cancer but that word all by itself is frightening.  The surgery is called Mohs with a pretty good success rate (98%).  God is making sure I keep Him close in times like this.  I really appreciate His presence.  That is exactly what our devotional (Jesus Calling) has been about for the entire month of October.  I thank God for everything in my life and I will become more like Him as He teaches me not to fear but to trust and have faith in His promises. 
Our trees are gone and the house doesn't look that bad, to me at least.  Now it is new fence time.  Did I tell you that I am listening to the Canadian Brass, they are wonderful, I love trumpet playing.  These musicians are amazing. I was a music major with emphasis on trumpet performance for my freshman and sophomore years in college. It was after taking trumpet lessons the summer between my sophomore and junior year that I made the decision that I would never meet my expectations in music. 
Every day during that summer school session, I would spend my spare time wondering around the halls of the Art School.  I still cannot figure out why I didn't pursue getting a degree in Art. To get better at anything there is no secret, just do it and then do it some more and then more and more and more.
I am very satisfied with how much artwork I have done and had the chance to sell some of it.  As long as I stay away from trying to lead my life without God He helps and guides.  I have been seeing short glimpses or getting past the confusion.  I am a long, loooooooooonnnngggggggg way from winning that battle.  Lately ourchildren have been such a great pleasure.  They are tremendous young adults.  We pray that God will continue to work in their lives to guide them into having joy and feeling positive about their life.  I am very scattered this morning.  If you will forgive me for the shortness of this entry, I will just say hi to some of my friends.  I thank God for friends and family every day. 
Here is something new, I bought 85 golf balls from a thrift shop here in town for 20 cents each.  Now I can play again.  I understand that they cost as much as $5 or more each. 
My magic mirror has been accumulating many pictures in its memory and I am going to release some of the pressure by sharing them with you.
I see Howard and Linda up in Portland, I will be emailing them soon.  Need to check on his new book.  Sorry it has been so long.  I also see Virginia and Jim back in Kansas.  Wow, have you been getting more handsome and Virginia has always been beautiful and smart.  I don't mean that you aren't smart Jim but facts are facts.  I don't think men would get by without smarter women as partners.  I truly hope that you guys are doing OK.  I also see Shirley, do you think she would deliver some of her brittle out here to California. 

I'm afraid I am mixing this blog with my facebook and it is starting to confuse me again.  The actual pictures of me and my exploits will be coming in the near future. I love all you guys out there in cyberland.  Posted on 11-14-13     

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