Wednesday, September 11, 2013

"The Confused Man, # 2"

   Do you realize how long it takes to write really great blogs, stories, poems and books?  I just thought I would ask someone who knows. I am sure someone out there has the answer.  Right now I am having trouble taking another step, then another and another and another.  I must be on stairs.  The Stairway to Heaven no doubt.  If no one knows, maybe I can find out for you.   The first answer is "Lots".  That is what it takes. Lots of time.  I am learning that lesson first, to take lots of time to write something good.  That is why it may be days between my blogs.    
   It took me days just to write this.  I might try taking longer and see if it comes out better.   I am thinking about what I will be writing about, next.  I have been having a hard time sleeping and resorted to counting lions and tigers and horses.  I just don't respect those sheep, in fact I don't like them a bit, that's why I brought in the lions, tigers and horses.  I never thought of it but why are there horses in my dreams.   There must be a reason.  I will drop everything to write to you immediately if and when I find out.  I can't describe to you what happens when lions and tigers are in the same dream as sheep, but it isn't good and it just went viral.  People are just heathens. 
  By the way, I will from time to time add excerpts from the book I am writing, called "The Hours Of Night", a coincidence that this blog has the same name.  David Friedman is the name of the main character.
   I just had a thought.  It was nothing.  Really, it was nothing.  It just passed like a fart up in the mountains.  So you know what happens to farts that smell.  They rise up to the first level of clouds and become the dark ones or they drop down to earth at the most inopportune times seeking to disrupt human interactions. 
   Farts are like female mosquitoes.  They are the ones who have the most lethal itching poison, so if you are outside and you don't hear anything, expect to be bitten by a mosquito soon.  Also, if you are simply going about your business and you smell this awful, sickening smell, it is a fart that has just dropped on you.  When angels get bored they play this games of dropping "F" bombs on unsuspecting people.  It's really funny when one drops on your wife or girlfriend and she tries to explain that she didn't do it.  That is the real meaning of an "F" bomb, not what we use today.  Much more civilized don't you think.
   From time to time, I will have guest writers contribute, that should be loads of fun.  Monday, September 10, 2013.  See you next time.
Mr. Confused aka David Friedman aka David Friesen  

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